- body insulation
- изоляция кузова автомобиля
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
pole-body insulation — poliaus šerdies izoliavimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. pole body insulation vok. Polkörperisolation, f rus. изоляция сердечника полюса, f pranc. isolation de noyau polaire, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Insulation — In su*la tion, n. 1. The act of insulating, or the state of being insulated; detachment from other objects; isolation. [1913 Webster] 2. (Elec. & Thermotics) The act of separating a body from others by nonconductors, so as to prevent the transfer … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Body Glove — is a major surf/skateboard/watersports brand started in the United States by Dive N surf Inc. Body Glove was founded in 1953 by twin brothers Bill and Bob Meistrell. The brothers invented the very first practical wetsuit in the early 1950s and to … Wikipedia
Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand — The Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand (ICANZ) is an industry trade group representing commercial, residential and industrial insulation suppliers in Australia and New Zealand.The Council advocates for the increased use of insulation … Wikipedia
Insulation-displacement connector — An insulation displacement connector or Insulation piercing connector is a connector that pierces the insulation on a wire to make the connection, removing the need to strip the wire before connecting. Such connections are usually seen in low… … Wikipedia
Body cord — In fencing, a body cord serves as the connection between a fencer and the reel. There are two types: one for epee, and another for foil/saber.DescriptionÉpée body cords consist of two sets of three prongs each connected by a wire. One set plugs… … Wikipedia
insulation — 1. The act of insulating. 2. The nonconducting substance so used. 3. The state of being insulated. * * * in·su·la·tion .in(t) sə lā shən n 1) the action of separating a conductor from conducting bodies by means of nonconductors so as to prevent… … Medical dictionary
Thermal insulation — The term thermal insulation can refer to materials used to reduce the rate of heat transfer, or the methods and processes used to reduce heat transfer.Heat energy can be transferred by conduction, convection, radiation or when undergoing a phase… … Wikipedia
Building insulation materials — A selection of insulation materials can aid in building insulation. All of these are based on standard principles of thermal insulation. Materials used to reduce heat transfer by conduction, radiation or convection are employed in varying… … Wikipedia
human body — Introduction the physical substance of the human organism, composed of living cells and extracellular materials and organized into tissues, organs, and systems. Human anatomy and physiology are treated in many different articles. For… … Universalium
penguin — /peng gwin, pen /, n. Ornith. 1. any of several flightless, aquatic birds of the family Spheniscidae, of the Southern Hemisphere, having webbed feet and wings reduced to flippers. 2. Obs. See great auk. [1570 80; orig. uncert.; perh. < Welsh pen… … Universalium